Hulme Reiki

Reiki healing sessions near Hulme

Welcome to the Reiki Soul website, home of Reiki close to Hulme.

Reiki Master near Hulme

reiki Hulme

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy; an energy which is all around us. If you're looking for a first class Reiki service close to the comfort of your own home, you've come to the right place.

Contact me for a free initial consultation

Hulme Reiki Practitioner

Enhance your body's natural ability to heal itself and experience the wonder and compassion of an ancient healing art with a Reiki healing session near Hulme.

Reiki healing close to Hulme

There is no need to remove any clothing as Reiki will pass through anything, even plaster casts. Reiki leads to a state of deep relaxation, with the consequent release of stress and tension. It allows you to let go of negative thoughts, concepts and attitudes, replacing them with positivity, peace and serenity.

Reiki for pets and animals near Hulme

I am one of the few people who offer Reiki treatment on pets and animals near Hulme. Reiki is a safe, natural method for treating animals who are sick. As with people, it will enhance the benefits of any other therapies or treatments the animal is receiving. For animals that are ill, Reiki assists healing at the deepest levels and is a safe complement to conventional medicine and all other forms of healing.

Contact me for a free initial consultation

low cost reiki healing sessions